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A Skin Classic treatment can help correct skin tags, milia, cherry angiomas, broken capillaries, 
hyperplasia and dark brown spots. The probe dehydrates and condenses the epidermal cells, 
creating a scab-like layer which naturally flakes off within 3-14 days revealing your natural skin.

While skin correcting is for most people, it is not for everyone.  Those pregnant, with melasma, pace makers, autoimmune disorders and some elderly are not viable candidates.
Treated areas must remain dry (gentle cleanse and product) until crusts fall off and sunbathing,
swimming and saunas are discouraged for 30 days.
Please book a consultation to address any questions you may have.

Spider Veins
Age Spots
Cherry Angiomas
Skin Tags

Skin Correcting Consultation

 15 min. - $0

A Skin Classic treatment can help correct skin tags milia, cherry angiomas, hyperplasia and dark brown spots.  

Please book a consultation to address any questions you may have.


Skin Correcting Service per imperfection 

starting at $25 (depending on imperfection)

Personalized pricing bundles will be made for you if you don't fit into the 1 - 20 imperfection category.


Skin Correcting Service 1 - 10 imperfections

$149 (15 min)


Skin Correcting Service 11 - 20 imperfections

$199 (30 min)


80 Palomino Ln,
Unit 80-D, 2nd Fl
Bedford, NH 03110

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